Conveyor Belts can be considered as the heart of a conveyor system. In order for swift and halt-free factory operations i.e., transportation, handling, assembly, etc., proper coherence between the conveyor belt and the system is integral.
Factory operations constitute various processes, having their own design specifications and parameters. Owing to this versatility of factory operations, different conveyor belts are available. It is worth mentioning that each belt is suited for a specific purpose and maximum process optimization is only achieved when the right combination of belt, system, and the process is made.
Conveyor Belt Selection Guide – As per your needs
Some important parameters that must be considered before choosing the most optimal conveyor belt for your industry include:
Product Type & Size: Consider the product dimensions manufactured by the industry before choosing the belt and system. Other factors such as product strength, flammability, moisture content should also be considered. In a few industries, transportation requires to have a vacuum system like in Diaper manufacturing, so the right belt with properly aligned holes and accurate sizes would be required.
Product Weight: Choose a conveyor belt that can support the weight of your product. Normally PU and PVC belts are designed to carry lightweight products while special belts such as Rubber belts can be used to carry heavy loads in industries like Paper, Cement, Marble, Glass, Recycling, and construction.
Load Capacity: The amount of material transported on the belt has also become a crucial factor. You certainly do not want an oversized belt system that consumes excess energy resulting in high bills. On the other hand, you also don’t want to have an undersized belt system that might cause you to wait to get belt space free.
Load Estimation: Choose your system and install the belt as per forecasted production values. In simple terms, your investments in the conveyor system must be made by keeping in mind the projected estimates for the future.
Temperature: The temperature of the product plays a critical role in determining the belt system required. You certainly do not want a belt system that will melt when the product runs on it. Silicone-based belts are ideally suited to hold high-temperature products, while polyethylene can be used for cold belt systems, ideal for lower temperature-based products like chocolate and bubble, etc.
Available Space: The available space in factory premises also determines the selection of belt-system required. Compromises must not be made in this regard as additional space for cleaning, material handling and maintenance must be accommodated in conveyor system design.
Abrasion Resistance: The abrasion resistance value of the belt system is one of the most important selection criteria for a belt system. Based on product specifications, different types of belts are available.
Belt Color: The belt color has also gained a lot of importance in the past years. Usually, black color belts are used where product segregation is required, while blue and white color belts are used for food-grade systems.
The belt for Incline or Decline Systems: The movement of your product flow also decides the type of belt required. If the product flow is inclined or declines, a slip will be produced and a belt with stoppers or carriers and sidewall will be suitable.
Friction Level: The friction level of your conveyor belt determines the pace at which the product moves on the belt. This factor must be taken into consideration where continuous production is required.
Anti-Static Value: The anti-static value of belts accounts for the resistance of static charge build-up in running belts. These types of belts are required where electronic items are transported.
Belt selection is a high-priority task. Proper calculations and analysis must be made before procurement. If not carried out correctly it can cause financial, product, and time losses along with injury risks.
If not sure which belt to choose, it is advised to get the consolation of an expert for technical assistance.